Community Kitchens

A community kitchen is a public space where people get together and cook on a regular basis. Community kitchens offer the opportunity to share skills, socialize, and reduce costs by purchasing collectively.

Living Rock Ministries Food Services Training

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all youth, 13-25 years old. 

How to apply:

Contact for information about how to apply to this program.

Provides work experience and training for at-risk youth in the Hamilton community. Youth cook and participate in clean-up in the Living Rock industrial kitchen. Incentives for participation include volunteer hours and Rock Bucks to be used in Stacey's Place Youth Food Bank and Rock Shop. Food produced in these programs is used to support the Oasis Coffeehouse meal programs.

Inner City Women’s Collective Kitchen

Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Female-identifying individuals.

How to apply:

Contact to register.

Meets twice a month in a kitchen setting to plan and cook affordable meals, and learn and share skills helpful in budgeting, shopping, and preparation of healthy food. Aims to address food access, reduce social isolation, and to engage and build capacity in the community.