A supervised space for children to spend time before school, with a hot breakfast provided. Assistance with homework is also available. Program runs on school days, and parents and families are welcome.
Student Nutrition Programs
Student Nutrition Programs offer meals and/or snacks to school students at no cost, and may also provide food education to children and youth.
Children's Breakfast Club
Open to children and their parents or families.
Contact to register.
Food4Kids Programs
Children and youth who attend school in Hamilton.
Referrals made through the child's school.
Provides packages of healthy food for children with limited or no access to food on weekends or during the summer months.
Weekends Without Hunger - Participants aged 4-17 years are referred by schools aware of students with limited access to food in their homes. Food packages are tucked discreetly into children's backpacks. Food bags are filled with healthy food items, including 5 fresh fruit items!
Summer Feeding Program - Through July and August, all students registered in the program receive grocery store gift cards through the mail at their homes on a bi-weekly basis.